25 April 2008


Okay, after much frustration (possibly because it's 3:30AM), my mcastu comp is live and complete with one measly link that works. That would be the e-mail link, by the way. I just made screenshots of the comps I created in Illustrator and used Dreamweaver to link the PNGs by image mapping. Definitely faaaaaar from perfect, but 'tis a work in progress.

23 April 2008


I re-shot all my Rust Hall images and organized them into the grid that we talked about in class. (This was so much easier than the first time!) Also took this opportunity to hone my batch processing skills. I'm probably going to create a completely new version of the site rather than editing version 1.

19 April 2008


This is my refined sitemap for the student site. After reviewing all the possible features the site should house, these seemed to be the most useful. Shumyla, Andrew and I plan to collaborate on the comps this week, and we will most likely pool our thoughts on Monday/Tuesday, so this will most likely change again.

18 April 2008


Image-only site is going well, but a more daunting task than I'd hoped.
Once I had edited my images and created a style sheet, I thought surely I'd be half done, but linking has by far been the most time-consuming and confusing. I'm still not completely finished linking everything together, but I have a major chunk of it running smoothly.

So far I have 25 html pages and roughly 30 images. Nearly as many pages as images, and each contains 4 links that should eventually lead the viewer through the entire map. My head aches! But it's been fun. So far I'm pleased with the results. Here's an example of one of the pages: